Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Consider it.....Joy???

One of the most powerful things we can learn in this life is to learn how to embrace troubles, life difficulties that come our way and do as James says...."to consider it joy when we face trials..." I know exactly what you are thinking, considering joy when life feels like it's falling apart all around you is absurd!! But, if it's in God's Word then I say we dare to live it out exactly as it says. We underestimate the power of God's Word every day we live by our actions and responses to the lives we live...so, let's dare to live differently and truly take God's Word and LIVE IT!!

For many of you who know me, there's one major battle I've fought with my whole entire life and that's my health. Since I was a baby, the enemy has chosen over and over again to fight me tooth and nail on my health. I had a horrible amoeba attack when I was 5, I started with migraines when I was 7, by the time I was in High School (boarding school), I was diagnosed with CHRONIC Mono, then at 16 I came down with Tendonitis where the Doctor's said I would never be able to play the piano again - I DON'T THINK SO!! Then, by the time I was 21 years old I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, went on disability for 1/2 a year, all the while struggling with migraines 3 weeks out of a month. Then, yes, I'm not done yet...I had emergency gall bladder surgery in 1997, in 1999, I started struggling with heart palpitations which I thought was due to having something wrong with my heart. This lasted for 4 years. By the time 2001 arrived, while living in Ireland, I became VERY VERY sick, so sick that I kept saying, "Whatever this is in me it's killing me." Come to find out, I truly was on my deathbed with a severe life threatening food sensitivity to MSG (monosodium glutamate). That changed my life forever!! As the Doctor said back in 2002, "There will come a day when you will be allergic to all preservatives, not just MSG." That day arrived April 2011. This makes my life very difficult for traveling because there's not a restaraunt I can eat at (except for 3), I have to cook all my own food from SCRATCH. I have to carry epipuns in case of a food reaction. The list goes on and on and on....BUT, not one time have I ever looked at God and said, "Why me!!" These trials of life will NOT get me down. Instead, I look at them face to face and say, I will live life to the fullest, with joy, and not let them bury me. I am happy to tell you that I was healed of tendonitis back in 1989, I was healed of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome back in 1997, and my migraines are down to maybe 2 a month!!!

That was a very short version of my life history...haha! But, I said all that to say this - Live your life, no matter what comes your way, what trials you face, what ailments hit you....live with joy knowing that the testing of these trials are only going to strengthen your faith in God and give you patience to endure what comes your way.

"My brothers and sisters, when you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full of joy, because you know that these troubles test your faith, and this will give you patience. Let your patience show itself perfectly in what you do. Then you will be perfect and complete and will have everything you need. But if any of you needs wisdom, you should ask God for it. He is generous to everyone and will give you wisdom without criticizing you. But when you ask God, you must believe and not doubt. Anyone who doubts is like a wave in the sea, blown up and down by the wind. Such doubters are thinking two different things at the same time, and they cannot decide about anything they do. They should not think they will receive anything from the Lord."

James 1:2-7 NCV

Never Giving Up.....

Tracee Lee

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fight to WIN!!

Something I have learned in the life that God has blessed me with is when you are truly living out the calling that God has placed you in, you will....I REPEAT.....YOU WILL face spiritual warfare! There's no getting away from it. You can run, but you can't hide. Sometimes I feel as if I got the wind knocked out of me, other times I feel a little brain rattled, other times I literally fall right smack down on the ground....but, I'm determined to never stay down long enough for the enemy to count to 10 and let him have the pleasure of saying, " Ha! I won!" You see, with Jesus in my life, I might get bruised and battered in the fight but because HE reigns within me, I WIN because HE WINS EVERY SINGLE TIME!

2 things I've discovered that I must take to the battle line in order to Win:

1. PUT ON God's Armour
I've noticed that when I go into battle and I'm not wearing my armour, those are the time I REALLY get knocked out cold. That's when the "surprise" element comes out to play that something will happen and I wasn't totally prepared for it. Now, the cool thing with God is, it doesn't have to be that way. When we live our lives for God, His Spirit lives within us and REVEALS what God is thinking to us. Combine that God knowledge of His revelation to our lives and put on His armour and then go take on your day and watch how different the battle looks....ha!! It comes down to learning how to be a true overcomer. Read on....

I Corinthians 2:10-16 (MSG) reads,

"The Spirit, not content to flit around on the surface, dives into the depths of God, and brings out what God planned all along. Who ever knows what you're thinking and planning except you yourself? The same with God—except that he not only knows what he's thinking, but he lets us in on it. God offers a full report on the gifts of life and salvation that he is giving us. We don't have to rely on the world's guesses and opinions. We didn't learn this by reading books or going to school; we learned it from God, who taught us person-to-person through Jesus, and we're passing it on to you in the same firsthand, personal way.

The unspiritual self, just as it is by nature, can't receive the gifts of God's Spirit. There's no capacity for them. They seem like so much silliness. Spirit can be known only by spirit—God's Spirit and our spirits in open communion. Spiritually alive, we have access to everything God's Spirit is doing, and can't be judged by unspiritual critics. Isaiah's question, "Is there anyone around who knows God's Spirit, anyone who knows what he is doing?" has been answered: Christ knows, and we have Christ's Spirit."

When we live our lives by the spirit, that allows us to know the very details of life that we need because the Spirit of God lives within us that hangs out with Jesus who know's all and reveals all to His Spirit which gives us the insight as to what is going on in our lives. This is how we live our lives and not face unexpected circumstances when we live by the Spirit and keep on the full armour of God, always.

2. Strength comes from Joy.

Nehemiah 8:10 says, "The joy of the LORD is your strength!" I love to think of this verse backwards.....My strength is found in the joy of the Lord. One of the definitions of joy is: the source or cause of delight. That takes me to Psalm 37:4 - "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." I love saying, 'Delight yourself in the Lord and HE WILL......." You want to win a battle, delight yourself in God and He will. Getting weary in the battle, your strength is found in your God-given JOY!! It's a crazy concept to think that when going through a battle you suddenly stop and roar out with laughter but I'm telling you, it really works!! The one thing that the enemy cannot relate to is JOY. He existence is to steal, kill, destroy....those are all from the root of one word: HATE. Joy and hate is like light and dark - they DO NOT relate to each other at all. So, when you are facing warfare, laugh in the face of the enemy because when it's all said and done......YOU WIN!!!

Tracee Lee

Monday, July 25, 2011

Living Out Your Dreams.....

How many of you remember being that little girl or boy and dreaming of what you would do one day when you grew up? I can recall one of the first things I'd tell my mom that I was going to do was grow up to be her maid and never leave her. lol!! My parents love to remind me of that to this day. Sorry mom, as much as I love and adore you, being your maid is NOT what I dream of doing anymore! lol! Another dream I had was to get married, which that happened when I was 3 years old and I married the next door neighbor boy, Tommy Butts. He gave me 9 spider rings and 1 rock ring. I ran home ecstatic to tell my mom the news that I was married...within seconds she replied, "Well, Tracee, now that you are married, there are responsibilities that come with it, so you see that load of laundry on the table? I need you to fold it and then we will need to start working on dinner." My first thoughts were, "Cool, I can do that!" That thought lasted about 2 minutes! After I attempted to fold a few towels, I ran back into the living room and told my mom that I no longer wanted to be married, ran back to Tommy's house, gave him back his 9 spider rings but kept the rock ring cuz I really liked it....lol...and returned to my single life of a 3 year old!! Riding my tricycle was a lot more fun than folding laundry and making dinner!

Where does this all lead? One of the many things that I have learned in living out your dreams and making them happen is, it will require a lot of discipline and constant believing. A few of the things that I didn't want to quite take on at the age of 3. Dreams are an amazing thing to carry in your heart because they keep your life in constant pursuit of moving forward and don't let you settle for anything less. When you mix it with discipline, that's what makes it happen. HARD WORK will be required for anything DYNAMIC you ever want to accomplish in this life. The key is to never be AFRAID of that hard work to make it happen.

In the next few blogs I'm going to share some of my personal stories...but in the meantime,what are you waiting for? Start living out your dreams today.....taking it one day at a time and before you know it - you'll be living right smack in the middle of it!

Always Believing,

Tracee Lee
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!!" Phil. 4:13

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tracee's Top 10

Has it seriously almost been a month since I blogged? My goal has been to blog once a week but as you can see, I'm not doing so well at that. lol!! Go me!!

So, for the next few weeks, I'm going to share with you my Top Ten List. Coming up with this list was kind of hard to narrow down because there are definitely more than 10 things that I define my life by, but, here's what I've put together of some of the main core values of my life.

Drum roll please.......

#10: Live S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D. You won’t fly until you are stretched beyond your comfort zone. Life is about constantly MOVING FORWARD. So, embrace the STRETCH!! When I think about the word, STRETCH, it makes me thing of a rubberband. The purpose of a rubberband is to be....stretched!! So the same is for our lives. To keep ourselves consistantly moving forward in the path God lays out before us, never getting too comfortable where we are and who we are - to me, this is what causes spiritual growth that leads me into #9. (Read: I King 17—Story of Elijah and the Widow, Zarepath)

#9: Walk by Faith. “It’s impossible to please God apart from faith. And why? Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that he exists and that he cares enough to respond to those who seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6 MSG Faith and God go hand in hand….without faith, life does not exist. When you are stretched...this leads to taking leaps of faith that is what God finds pleasure in. Read Hebrews 11. God is all about keeping you in the stretch of faith-living as you read all through the Word - Moses, Mary, Joseph, David, Noah,and beyond - they all lived out their faith in the stretch and discovered who they were truly meant to be in the eyes of God.

Living in the stretch will propel you forward in your faith...so, I say, "Go for it!!"

See you in a few....I promise. lol!!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I'm a girl with muscles.....

Okay, so my muscles might be buried under some flab but I still have muscles! lol!! Where on earth am I going with this blog....muscles, flab??? Here we go...I spent January devouring the book of Romans in The Message translation. It felt like I was reading it for the first time. wow!! I marked up practically the entire book but by the time I got to chapter 15, the Lord dropped my mouth with what Paul was saying in verse 1-2, "Those of us who are strong and able in the faith need to step in and lend a hand to those who falter, and not just do what is most convenient for us. Strength is for service, not status. Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, 'How can I help?'"

Think about this: every single one of us has a strength(s). That strength is to be used to build up each other, to serve one another, to support each other. Think about how different your world would look if we made that our daily life motto - "How can I help you today?"

When I look back at the life of Jesus - He used His strength and put it to death on a cross so that we could rise up through the power of His strength and live. His strength, through dying, gave us life. Our strengths, through giving, can save a person's life for eternity. What massive impact we can make in our world by the power of one word: Serve. Our strengths are not to be placed on a plaque on a wall and gloat and boast about it, it's to be used to help those who falter, not to be used at our convenience, but to be used at any given moment, whether we are comfortable about it or not. That's where Phil. 4:13 comes in, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!"

My challenge is for us to stop looking so inwardly at our lives, how we can better ourselves, tend to our complaints and pity parties, but to start shutting up the flesh side of our lives and start living by the spirit and let our strengths, given to us by God, radically impact the world we live in. As Paul said, "So, reach out and welcome one another to God's glory. Jesus did it, now you do it!" (v.7)

What can I do for you today?


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I have a secret....

When I was a little girl, I LOVED secrets. It made me feel like I was someone really special to get in on something that no one else was suppose to know. It's funny what a secret can do to you on the inside....even now. lol!! Such strange creatures we are.

So....guess what? How many of you actually go about your daily lives hanging with God feeling like you don't have much of a clue what He's doing in your life, so you feel a little clueless? Many of us have fallen in that trap but I've got brilliant news...and no, it's not that I saved money switching to Geico. I Corinthians 2 is the reveal of a massive secret. Verses 10-16, "The Spirit, not content to flit around on the surface, dives into the depths of God, and brings out what God planned all along. Who ever knows what you're thinking and planning except you yourself? The same with God—except that he not only knows what he's thinking, but he lets us in on it. God offers a full report on the gifts of life and salvation that he is giving us. We don't have to rely on the world's guesses and opinions. We didn't learn this by reading books or going to school; we learned it from God, who taught us person-to-person through Jesus, and we're passing it on to you in the same firsthand, personal way.

The unspiritual self, just as it is by nature, can't receive the gifts of God's Spirit. There's no capacity for them. They seem like so much silliness. Spirit can be known only by spirit—God's Spirit and our spirits in open communion. Spiritually alive, we have access to everything God's Spirit is doing, and can't be judged by unspiritual critics. Isaiah's question, "Is there anyone around who knows God's Spirit, anyone who knows what he is doing?" has been answered: Christ knows, and we have Christ's Spirit."

This is not a complicated issue here...it's simple, it's black and white - when Christ lives IN you, you have the mind of Christ. His Spirit lives in us which allows us to know what HE IS THINKING and so He lets us in on it, what His plans are, His reveal, His gifts of life. He is not a mind-game player and wants to keep you guessing. He is a God-revealer. What we must do is take what He gives us ONE DAY AT A TIME. Sometimes God will reveal His plans to you and it will be a lay out of the future, but don't forget, there's still the present that must be lived in order for the future to come alive. The key is: live out today as the spirit of God leads you and reveals to you. You HAVE the mind of Christ - His secrets are revealed to you to help you today, to guide and instruct you so that you don't keep making the same mistakes over and over walking around feeling like you have no direction. Use the power of His Word and the power of prayer and I promise you - He will keep revealing one secret after another that will help you walk from your present to your future. And remember - it's okay if you don't know it all, HE DOES and He's got your covered!!!

Now, go tell this secret to somebody else....


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ready or Not - Here I Come!

For Christmas, Mark got me The Message bible. It was the only thing I wanted. It feels like I am reading the Bible for the first time as I read it in my everyday language that is opening a whole new world of what God is speaking through His Word. One book that I have always turned my head sideways on because of not fully understanding all that Paul was writing about was the book of Romans. It’s got some brilliant scripture but also has writings that I might as well be reading Chinese. Lol!! Well, The Message has totally changed that and I’m having one ‘wow’ moment after another.

Romans 5:6-11 – is a must read in The Message. You would think that I actually have an endorsement with them. Lol!! Okay, so get this: Your morning routine involves waking up, getting ready and picking out your clothes for the day before you head out to face your world. You would never think to only get ‘half’ ready….like, wash one half of your face, only put deodorant on one armpit, wear one sock, put on your shirt but leave your pants off, wear a shoe on the foot that doesn’t have the sock on, put lipstick on half your lips, brush only the bottom of your teeth, gel only one side of your hair. I’m sure you are getting the picture by now….…now flipside that and think about your life spiritually. When God brought His son to die a sacrificial death for our lives, WE WEREN’T READY YET. We didn't have all our ducks lined up in a perfect row. We had sin issues, selfish ambitions, anger, pain, and hardships that had scarred us. But to show how brilliant God is,He so knew that we’d never be ready so to wait on us would’ve been futile so He took a massive step of ACTION that would forever change us. Taken from verses 6-8 - “He didn’t and doesn’t wait for us to get ready. He presented himself for this sacrificial death when we were far too weak and rebellious to do anything to get ourselves ready. And even if we hadn’t been so weak, we wouldn’t have known what to do anyway…….but God put his love on the line for us by offering his Son in sacrificial death while we were of NO USE whatever to him.”

If you walk around feeling like you are unworthy, always a sinner, never getting it right, don’t have much to offer….guess what? God took you in anyways, when you weren’t even truly ready to be of any good use to Him and because of that sacrificial death that God offered us through the death of His Son, Jesus, we do not have to ACCEPT the feelings of unworthiness, what-good-am-I kind of thinking, feeling like you are a scum of the earth because it goes on to say in verses 9-11 – “there is NO LONGER a question of being at odds with God in any way. If, when we were at our worst, we were put on friendly terms with God by the sacrificial death of his Son, now that we’re at our best, just think of how our lives will expand and deepen by means of his resurrection life!”

He took us exactly how we were, not ready…and from our worst state he turned it into our best. My brain can’t fathom how totally cool God is and how deep and wide His love for us really is. So, today, I challenge you – start walking out the ‘best’ that GOD did for you when He gave us His son to die for you. Stop reflecting so much on where you were and where you've been, or even what you did wrong just a minute ago, and start moving forward to where you ARE and where HE is taking you.

Only Moving Forward,


Monday, January 10, 2011

Tools, Cars and Reality T.V.

Sitting here in my bedroom which feels like it's all I have done the past 3 days while I battle out this sick bug that's overtaken my body. lol!! So, what have I been doing during this down time? I have been doing a lot of music research on all sorts of bands and individual singers. It leaves me so inspired as a singer-songwriter. I wish I had a grand piano in my room! Nothing inspires me more than doing what I was created for. Using the gifts that God has given me and allowing Him to be the words I pen on paper and the musical notes I play on the piano.

This has caused me to think about each and every one of us. We all have a tool, a gift that God has given us to use for His purposes and His glory in this life He has given us. The purpose of using this gift is to shine the light on Christ, not us. Okay...so I am sooo not the mechanic but think of a tool that is used for a car. (stop laughing, I promise this 'thought' will work and you'll get what I'm talking about! lol!) The tool is not what you are going to ooh and aah about, it's the car. The tool is just a part of the process that makes a car do what's it's meant too. Now remember, I have been sick so if I'm not all making sense, you'll understand why. haha!!

Totally inspired by the story of Keith Green and the short 28 years he lived on this earth.....he wrote this:

"God gives us each our own unique tools. But we may never use them if we become more interested in someone else's. Seek God, ask Him for His plan for ministry (true, God glorifying ministry) in your life."

So, what is your gift? What are you doing with it? Don't waste your precious time wanting to live out someone else's dreams....this is one reason why I find reality t.v. a complete waste of time because you are watching other people live out their lives when you have one to live out yourself. Life is more than just going to your 9-5 job. It's what you do inside that 9 to 5 job, how you live, what you say, how you love and reach out that makes the difference!! YOU are the tool that will show others to Christ. Yea, it's really that simple. Find your dream, find your gift....it's already inside of you...waiting to be discovered, waiting to impact this world for Christ.

Living out His dreams...


Saturday, January 8, 2011


I love reflecting on who God is, how powerful He is, and what He longs to do in our lives and through us. He is simply beyond amazing!! So much so, we can’t even fathom the greatness of who He is. So, I was reading an email that my friend, Shelly, sent me and you guessed it….my brain got to going on God as our I AM. What does that mean? Imagine it this way:

I am:
• The truth
• The life
• The way
• Your healer
• Your covering
• Your fortress
• Your King
• Your Lover
• Your Peace
• Your Creator
• Your Salvation
• Your help in the time of trouble
• Giver of every good and perfect gift

And the list goes on….

When we hold onto life’s difficulties, anxieties, worries, stresses, sin, pain, grief, confusion, feeling unworthy, feeling lonely…..it doesn’t allow God to be the I AM of your particular circumstance. Instead, your I am IS your circumstance.

What happens when we release our circumstances and allow the I AM to take over:

1. We take captive every THOUGHT that is not lined up in agreement with God’s word.
2. We demolish strongholds that seek to destroy our lives.

Surrendering your daily circumstances to God allows you to hear HIM better.

Check this out what a deep friend of mine, Shelly Trivette, who is our Children’s Pastor at The Bridge, wrote:

‘Anxiety sounds like a riot to our spirits...we cannot hear Him when we are anxious. Anxiety causes other things like unwarranted guilt. Anxiety is the worst of thieves. This is a command: Be anxious for nothing. How do we do that? We surrender (we believe Him) and we are thankful. We believe so that we can see. I am talking like I know that it is easy. I know better than that. I have so many irons in my fire that I don't know whether I am coming or going....and I have so many people that depend on me. I have had some times where things press on me so hard that I couldn't figure out how to surrender to Him. So as a symbol, I would grab it off my chest and offer it up to heaven. I would do it again and again and again. There was a particular day when...I cried out to God, “Help me, I don't know how to do this.” He took my mind to that story where He was able to sleep through a storm on the boat, dead asleep in the middle of a storm. I said, “Lord, how were you able to sleep in the storm?".... He slept in surrender to the Father. He believed in the Father so much that He could lay His head down in the storm and sleep like a baby. He was connected so deeply to the Father that He understood the authority He had been given to say "Peace be still to the storm." We have the same authority if we walk in the same surrender to the Father. So that when our hearts storm like that...we can sleep like a baby...because He is our Peace we can be thankful. It is a decision we make. We can walk on our fear like He walked on the water.’

This is long but I couldn’t keep any of it out!! Ephesians 1:3-14 MSG reads -

"How blessed is God! And what a blessing he is! He's the Father of our Master, Jesus Christ, and takes us to the high places of blessing in him. Long before he laid down earth's foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love. Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure he took in planning this!) He wanted us to enter into the celebration of his lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved Son. Because of the sacrifice of the Messiah, his blood poured out on the altar of the Cross, we're a free people—free of penalties and punishments chalked up by all our misdeeds. And not just barely free, either. Abundantly free! He thought of everything, provided for everything we could possibly need, letting us in on the plans he took such delight in making. He set it all out before us in Christ, a long-range plan in which everything would be brought together and summed up in him, everything in deepest heaven, everything on planet earth.

It's in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone.

It's in Christ that you, once you heard the truth and believed it (this Message of your salvation), found yourselves home free—signed, sealed, and delivered by the Holy Spirit. This signet from God is the first installment on what's coming, a reminder that we'll get everything God has planned for us, a praising and glorious life."

So, 2011 is only 8 days old….start it off by releasing the Great I Am in your life in a way you’ve never done before….and I promise you, by the end of this year, your jaw will be dragging on the ground in complete amazement as to how phenomenal God is. He is YOUR I AM.

So, what do you need today? He’s waiting….

Tracee and my friend, Shelly

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cover Life with Laughter!

If you'd like to know one of my little secrets that keeps a smile on my face it's this: I laugh at myself a lot!! I don't know about you, but it seems like everyday I am doing something hilariously funny that literally cracks me up. I don't have to have loads of people around either - it can be just me, myself, and I and you got it - I'm dying laughing. We tend to take ourselves and this life too seriously - each day carries a new load of 'junk' that we carry, or surprises that hit us that day but when we can 'train' ourselves to not let it attach to us we find that we gain even more strength to take on the task that we are dealing with. So for me, laughter is really the best medicine around. Here are some of the things that I have done over the past few weeks...

A little over a week ago I was sitting in my living room when I heard what sounded like a spaceship taking off downstairs. I didn't have a clue what it was until Mark walked in and said, "Whoa, I think that's the dryer!" My first thoughts were, "No, not the dryer!! I don't want to have to pay for a new dryer right now, it's almost Christmas, I need to be buying Christmas presents, not a dryer!" Think about this: That thought brought a massive amount of stress on me in literally a split second. But no sooner had that thought come to mind when I found myself saying, "Tracee, everything is going to work out!!" I caught myself and stopped the stress of a dying dryer and realized that MY GOD was bigger than my dryer! And that HE would provide. Well, guess what! He did and all that dryer cost me was $40.00 after I ended up getting a phone call to go work in the studio that wasn't on my agenda that week....what did I do, I laughed! (my new dryer is even nicer than the one I had!! ha!)

Then, Sunday morning, a few weeks ago which are crazy day for me as always, rushing around trying to get last minute things done at church. I ended up having to do a quick insert for the bulletin but every time I tried to put this insert on postcard paper, it wouldn't work right - so I ended up having to put it on stock paper and then cut it with the cutter - instead of responding stressed, I laughed. So, here, while I was cutting the inserts, the hole punch kept getting in my way so I picked it up and you guessed it - the entire bottom of it fell off and bam - all those lovely little circles of paper confetti ended up EVERYWHERE - what did I do - I laughed.

Then, this past weekend I was looking for my phone and couldn't, for the life of me, find it ANYWHERE.....after a good long pause and lots of searching through my car and purse I discovered that I was talking to a friend on it the entire time!!

Then, last night, I was leaving the church parking lot, exhausted from a long but great day and was ready to head home and get to bed.....so, I put the car in reverse, hit the gas pedal and went backwards. I laughed as I tried to figure out what was going on. See, my mind was thinking forward but the car wasn't responding that way...so, I tried it again and went backwards AGAIN!! Instead of getting frustrated at this mistake...I laughed at myself as I came to the realization that I hadn't put my car in drive, got it in the right gear and off I went.

We are going to make mistakes, we are going to have 'duh' moments, we are going to have days when you feel like the world is sitting right smack on top of your head....just make sure you don't take yourself too seriously and remember - laugh it off. You'll discover that your everyday trials really aren't that bad at all. It's about perspective....so, laugh!! Always remember, God has all your 'oops' covered, your car not starting - covered, your dryer breaking down - covered, your every day life - covered!! Let Him do His job in your life and respond with a laugh cuz He has you covered.

James had it sooo right, "Consider it joy when you go through various trials and tribulations knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience!" :) James 1


Tracee Lee